Tony Robbins’ UPW 2019 – 10 Day Challenge


Day 2 – For Your Body!

“Change your Breakfast, Change Your Life”

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Changing your breakfast habits is one of the key, fundamental, life changing lessons emphasised by Joseph McClendon III – and he looks pretty fit, doesn’t he?

Hundreds of studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between an insufficient breakfast and the quality of your health – including your energy, excess weight and even aging.

When you first start to live the alkaline diet and you go through your list of alkaline foods to work out what to eat, one of the first questions that you will ask is “what am I going to have for breakfast – broccoli?”

Well, steamed broccoli for breakfast is actually pretty  good – but you don’t have to. There ARE ways to make breakfast so much more exciting than just cereal and toast.

When you know how, it’s easy to make delicious alkaline breakfasts in under five minutes!

Have a Look at This Beautiful Alkaline Brekky:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]DOWNLOAD PDF HERE for more breakfast examples

Too many people skip breakfast and it sends your blood sugar and energy levels on a roller-coaster that will end up in snacking, poor diet choices and bingeing – sending your blood sugar and energy levels spiralling even further out of control. Breakfast eases your metabolism into action, keeping you steady and stable and reducing the likelihood of poor food choices.

Please, please, please don’t skip breakfast.![/text_block]


You are Mostly Water – Keep Yourself Stocked Up!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Water is the largest single component of the body. It carries nutrients to all vital body substances, plays a crucial role in maintaining body temperature and serves as building material for growth and repair of the body.

Obviously you need to ensure that you’re drinking plenty of water – 3 litres a day keeps the acid away.

3 litres may seem a little daunting but spread over a day it’s an easy habit to get into. And to make it more pleasurable, try filling an attractive jug and dressing it up with mint or floating fruit. Every sip takes you towards a wonderful, new and healthy you.

And always eat live foods – 70% water content food so that’s a salad at every meal. This type of diet allows your body to cleanse itself – consuming less than this percentage of water means you are clogging your body, not cleansing it.

Every time you reach for food, ask yourself, “Will this cleanse or clog me?”[/text_block]


Today’s exercise is a quick revision of your Driving Forces

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]It has been proven time and again that the simple act of writing down what it is you really want makes a massive difference to attaining your goals. And, sadly, the vast majority of people never do.

Going back and reviewing your personal goals is a critical and powerful discipline for success. So, what you committed to paper on pages 20 – 22 in your workbook should be revisited again and again. When you do, ask yourself:

Have you listed your grandest goals with absolute clarity?

Have you identified areas in your life where you are going to take Massive Action?

Where have you needed Momentum before in your life but haven’t taken it?

Can’t carry ‘round your Workbook?

Create a small reminder card for your diary or wallet – review your decisions from the weekend and create a visual reference that you will see every day a number of times.

Include on it:

  • Your passions
  • What you really want
  • What drives you
  • What are the key musts you’ve created

As you confront the challenges ahead, remember it’s a perfectly natural human tendency to be dissatisfied with your progress – but there’s also a perfectly natural way to beat any frustration:[/text_block]


When you ‘check in’ don’t say to yourself, “I’ve only come this far”, congratulate yourself with, “Look how far I’ve come!”


Can’t get enough of the UPW experience? Tickets for UPW 2020 are now available

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