Klik op de afbeelding voor het videofragment van UPW Rome, september 2009

The weekend that will change your life in a revolutionary way…

Again Anthony Robbins comes to Europe May 18 – 21, 2012, in London, with his main event “Unleash the Power Within”.
Discover Anthony Robbins in person together with Joseph McClendon on this trail-blazing event! So don’t miss the chance to see Anthony Robbins and Joseph McClendon live!
Unleash the Power Within is a dynamic, indescribable, lifechanging four-day event that will give you the possibility to unleash your unlimited power!

Learn how to live your life not based on hope or chance, but to design your own life, and to your own taste. Forget your old patterns and limited beliefs, and strenghten your spiritual, emotional and physical skills to create great results. Gain access to your almost unlimited inner strength and more and more.

Reserve your seat(s) here!

What are you going to learn?
At the ‘Unleash the Power Within’ seminar you will learn from Anthony Robbins and Joseph McClendon to:

Create break-throughs.

Act beyond your fears and limited beliefs.

Reach goals and realise real desires.

Restructure dreams into reality.

Create satisfactory relationships.

Understand and model the strategies of very successful people…
in order to realise a spectacular improvement in the quality of your life!

As the ultimate physical metaphor of your new inner strength, you will walk barefeet, uncomplicated, over a bed of red-hot coals (the so-called FireWalk).
…and that is only the first day! (the FireWalk of course isn’t obligated, but most likely you desire to do so!)


Practical information:

Datum: 18 t/m 21 mei 2012
Locatie: Excel, London
(1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL)

Reserve your seat(s) here!


Prices and seating UPW 2012
This special offer is available today! Only a few tickets available! Call us on + 31 (0) 75 612 19 48 !

Platinum (rij 1 t/m 6)€ 4.196€ 3.145
Diamond (blok achter Platinum)€ 3.495€ 2.912
VIP (blok achter Diamond)€ 2.329€ 2.095
Gold (blok achter VIP)€ 1.745€ 1.162

Reserve your seat(s) here!


Due to the exclusive character of this seminar (only 5,000 participants), we expect that the best seats will be sold out soon!

Reserve your seat(s) here!



