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Hoe Internet eigenlijk alles heeft veranderd en
welke invloed dit kan hebben op de door jou gewenste LIFESTYLE 


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ font_font=”Gill%20Sans” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”1″]1 volle dag ALS ONZE GAST leren van John Lee in Amsterdam?[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”50″ font_font=”Trebuchet%20MS” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”4″]LIFESTYLE[/text_block]
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Business Masters 2016

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21 mei 2016 – Amsterdam
Amstelborgh/Borchland, Borchlandweg 6-10 1114 DB Amsterdam

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_font=”Trebuchet%20MS” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”4″]Wat ga je leren?[/text_block]
  • Hoe creëer je een business rondom je LIFESTYLE?
  • Hoe creëer je een winstgevende business?
  • De juiste branding/zichtbaarheid welke je meer klanten oplevert?
  • Hoe gebruik je Internet Marketing om je business te lanceren?
  • Hoe gebruik je de Social Media voor direct meer leads en klanten?
  • Hoe creëer je systemen in jouw business voor meer vrijheid?
  • En nog veel meer…
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Tijdens dit 1-daagse event ontdek hoe je een business kunt opzetten die zich meer aansluit op jouw LIFESTYLE. Een business welke je kunt runnen vanuit waar dan ook ter wereld waardoor je uiteindelijk meer inkomen, meer tijd en meer vrijheid voor jezelf creëert. 

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_font=”Trebuchet%20MS” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”4″]Van wie ga je leren?[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_font=”Trebuchet%20MS” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”4″]John Lee[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]John Lee is the CEO and co-founder of Wealth Dragons. John started investing in property in his early 20s. By the time he was 27, John had achieved his goal of becoming a self-made millionaire. 

He subsequently gained an international reputation as a motivational speaker and has shared stages with Bill Clinton, Alan Sugar, Richard Branson, Jack Welch (ex-CEO of GE) and Randi Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook).He has helped several of his students build highly successful businesses and achieve international acclaim.

John’s success came despite a humble start in life. He was born to Chinese parents who ran a takeaway restaurant in the north of England. All of John’s achievements came as the result of endless hard work and unwavering tenacity. John is dedicated to showing others how they have the opportunity to do the same and is continually inspired by watching his students achieve the kind of success they thought they could only ever dream of.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_font=”Trebuchet%20MS” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”4″]Eric Hoo[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Eric Ho is a world leader in business training. He has travelled the world teaching courses in areas such as Business Systems, Peak Performance, Motivation, Franchising, Sales, Business and Management.

Eric is the founder and chairman of the largest tyre and steel recycling plant in the UK, a fast-growing QSR franchise, an international events company, and has a non-profit organization in Western Kenya where he has an orphanage and school that provides a home for around 250 orphans.

As someone who dropped out of college at 19 and started at the bottom, yet reached financial freedom by the time he was 24, Eric is dedicated to teaching people who believe they were born without much in life that, through hard work and dedication, they have as much chance as anyone of achieving success.[/text_block]

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Uitnodiging voor de relaties van Succesgids


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Vanuit Succesgids kunnen wij jou als onze relatie door middel van een VRIJKAART (op=op) als onze gast uitnodigen voor dit event. Dit betekent dat wij de €97,- kosten p.p. voor de General Ticket volledig* van je overnemen om je te laten zien, voelen en horen wat voor een bijzondere ervaring dit ook voor jou kan zijn.


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SUCCESGIDS | Kleine Tocht 4D, 1507 CB Zaandam | T: +31 (0)75 612 1948 | E: info@succesgids.nl
