Bel ons:[/text_block]

- Develop habits to be centered, calm and certain
- Design powerful inner dialogue
- Abundance Consciousness
- Create a confident identity
- Get rid of negative emotions and behaviors
- Crush fear, procrastination and hesitation

- How to create your world deliberately
- How to attract success
- Learn Joseph’s personal step-by-step fundamentals
- How to harness the power of NLP in combination with the Law of Attraction
- and much much more…

waardoor je de veranderingen direct in gang zet![/text_block]

Since thoughts create emotions and thoughts are pliable, we can adjust our thought process to create the best emotions for the task or tasks at hand. This process is called emotional mechanics and is the first phase of the A-Factor. Procrastination, hesitation, fear of failure, inhibitions and complacency are all thieves of productivity, and stand as barriers in our lives.

The true You creates a powerful self-identity, and then embeds it into one’s belief system. It becomes a natural extension of who they are. The results are more confidence, pride and self- esteem. This again fosters a spirit of positive expectancy and has a processional effect within the given environment. Your new identity will help you reach your higher dreams and goals.

Human beings will do amazing things when they have a strong enough motive. Learning to attach our motives to our emotions and outcomes creates internal determination that pulls us into our future. Finding one’s “Why” and attaching it to their emotions creates an attitude or positive expectancy and deliberateness. Knowing that this is possible attracts this to one’s self.

Joseph McClendon is één van de meest gevraagde Ultimate Performance Specialists ter wereld. Met zijn unieke “Tell, Show, Do” training en coaching, heeft hij wereldwijd miljoenen mensen geholpen om sneller en eenvoudiger hun doelen te behalen.
In 1986 ontmoette Joseph de bestsellerauteur en spreker Anthony Robbins. Ze besloten samen te werken. Nadat hij zelf de techniek had aangeleerd, werd hij zeer vakkundig in het helpen van mensen bij het overwinnen van hun angsten en emotionele uitdagingen.
Hij is doctor in de neuropsychologie en heeft verschillende certificaten behaald op het gebied van de neurowetenschap. Al deze kennis en ervaring neemt hij mee in de trainingen die hij wereldwijd verzorgt.[/text_block]

“I can tell you that Joseph McClendon III has changed my life in some critical ways. I didn’t really have a strong belief system and I was able to borrow his. What is amazing is, it allowed me to move toward my future in a very powerful and positive way and handle challenges much more easily.”
– Dean Shafer, CEO, international wellness center

“Without a doubt, Joseph McClendon all changed my whole focus. He is a 21st-century motivator, his knowledge is so today, so powerful, so necessary. I feel that anybody with a need to step up in their lives should make Joseph a must.”
– John Miller, m.d,. circular securities

“It’s truly amazing how Mr. McClendon works. He really understands people. He knows exactly how and where to get you started, how to finish and most of all. How to enjoy the journey along the way.”
– Tianna Diguire

“I’ve worked with this man for over 25 years and Joseph is the most passionate and playfull man that I’ve ever met. This is a guy that applies every strategy he knows in order to improve his life and help other people”
– Tony Robbins

“Joseph heeft me geleerd hoe ik mijn eigen zelfbeeld en zelfvertrouwen in de hand kan hebben en kan beïnvloeden. Door je op die manier sterker te voelen trek je met kleine moeite ook aan wat je wilt bereiken. Het is veel makkelijker dan je denkt!”
– Ate Ploegmakers, deelnemer A Factor 2017

“A factor was a life-changing wakeup call, improving my marriage, my life, and my work, connecting the dots between all my knowledge, experience and expectations of my life.”
– Alfons Verreijt, deelnemer A Factor 2017

“Hele fijne training met geweldige ’tools’ om direct te gebruiken; niet zozeer in probleem situaties, maar eerder ter voorkoming van.”
– Maaike Heutink, deelnemer A Factor 2017

“It was powerful yet simple, entertaining and educational, spiritually rewarding experience. For me, this is a life-changing event. One of those moments when you just know your life will never be the same again.”
– Angelika Salovaara, deelnemer A Factor 2017

“The A factor is a very powerful and simple method to develop yourself on every level; spiritual, emotional, intellectual, relations, parenting and business wise.“
– Oscar Taal, deelnemer A Factor 2017

“Tijdens The A Factor word je 3 dagen lang ondergedompeld in een vibrerende mix van nieuwe inzichten, technieken, energie en ontspanning, die (als je er open voor staat) je leven voor altijd zullen veranderen.”
– Conrad Huisden, deelnemer A Factor 2017

Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport
Melbournestraat 1
1175 RM Lijnden (Amsterdam)

Vrijdag 23 november 2018:
Registratie 08:30 – 10:00 uur
Event: 10:00 – 19:00 uur
Zaterdag 24 november 2018:
Event: 09:00 – 19:00 uur
Zondag 25 november 2018:
Event: 09:00 – 18:00 uur

- GOLD toegang
- GOLD seating
- Werkboek

- DIAMOND toegang
- DIAMOND seating (vooraan bij podium)
- Werkboek
- Dagelijks lunch, koffie, thee en water
- Exclusieve lunch met Joseph McClendon
- Meet & Greet met Joseph McClendon

LET OP: vrijwel uitverkocht, nog maar enkele plaatsen beschikbaar!
SUCCESGIDS | Kleine Tocht 4D, 1507 CB Zaandam | T: +31 (0)75 612 1948 | E: info@succesgids.nl