3 Meditaties voor A Beautiful State Of Being

Deze bundel bevat 3 meditaties om kennis te maken met A Beautiful State of Being. Wij zien bij iedereen die dit toepast, dat dit je helpt op allerlei vlakken in je leven. Als je in een Beautiful State zit, voel je je sowieso in het moment al goed. Daarnaast helpt het je in het maken van betere keuzes, in het beter tot rust komen tijdens drukke tijden, in het omgaan met je familie, vrienden, collega’s, enzovoort.

Passion into Profit

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You find the Divine when you find Love

One World Academy

Wat anderen zeggen over de meditaties:

Every morning I do Soul Sync, to me it’s like a coming back home to myself, to the inner bliss, to what I feel is my inner most space and this is somehow carried throughout the day. I wouldn’t say that I have immunity like nothing can touch me anymore, of course I get caught, I get anger and all that stuff but it doesn’t touch me that much anymore. I feel more settled within myself. This is what Soul Sync does for me…….to remember who I really am. That I am not the outside, that I am not the wanting, or the not wanting. I am the inner peace, this is very beautiful. This is a fantastic meditation.

Michael Pieritz, Meditation Instructor

A small group of us committed for 30 days to meet online in the mornings to do Soul Sync. After 2-weeks, I realized that one of my intentions was realized. I had to submit assignments and a final paper for a certification program. It was a huge commitment for the date that I set as the goal. On that final date, I still had a lot of work to get done and rather than feeling stressed I sensed an ease and peacefulness as though I was being carried to meet that goal. I did meet it with an hour to spare. It was really exciting. Then, I set an intention to receive five new clients within two weeks and that happened. Love it!

Kim Clarke, Business Owner

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