Business Mastery 2017 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
When you’re ready to invest in your own development and when you want to experience the best Business seminar in the world, please fill out the form below to get the info package (brochure, factsheet and additional video of 30 minutes). In this extra video of 30 minutes (recorded at the UPW seminar in Australia) Tony Robbins will tell you more about the main business strategies and the 7 forces of “Business Mastery” If we have enough time, you will be personally informed by one of our Business Coaches.[/text_block]

When is “Business Mastery” taking place?
After Las Vegas, Melbourne and London, for the first time ever “Business Mastery” is now taking place in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
16th to 20th of June 2017
Click on the button below for more personalized information

“The 7 Forces of Business Mastery:“[/text_block]

The competitive advantages that put you in business and made you successful in the first place are almost certainly not sustainable moving forward. At Business Mastery, you will review in detail where your business has been, where it is today and where it is going — and how the current stage of your industry as well as the economy affect this.
Rather than creating a business plan that will likely be outdated in six months, you’ll create a business map—a dynamic, flexible, sustainable guide for how to get your business from where you are to where you want to be by taking advantage of the predictable fluctuations in the market and the economy.[/text_block]

What is your X-Factor? What is your company great at? Find ways to add more value than anybody else does, and help achieve loyal clients.
In business, the secret to wealth comes down to two things: marketing and innovation. How do you create and add more value than anyone else in the marketplace? And, how do you continually market your product or service in a way that makes customers want to do business with you again and again?[/text_block]

Your business marketing must be as great as your product or service. You’ll find clarity on your Unique Selling Proposition and learn how to build a Core Story that helps you find a better way to stand out amidst the competition. The marketing strategies and business systems presented at Business Mastery have been selected for one powerful reason: they produce extraordinary results dramatically disproportionate to their required resources.

No business can be successful if it hasn’t mastered the ability to sell and generate revenue with machine-like precision. At Business Mastery, you will be guided to discover additional revenue streams from the same business you already have. You will uncover profound ways to get more customers, get them faster, get them for less money—strategies that when applied, will catapult your business to a period of unmatched growth.
Learn how to find the very best sales people and how to inspire, train, reward and lead them to become a dedicated and powerful sales force.[/text_block]

“In order to fly the plane, you must be able to read all instruments, including in foggy winters.” You must have a fail-proof system to measure and anticipate in advance any challenges in these critical areas. Failure to do so can result in years worth of work and profits lost overnight.[/text_block]

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. A 2% increase across the key drivers in your business will result in a geometric growth in your entire organization. At Business Mastery, you will identify the key drivers unique to your organization and create a simply plan to maximize the results you’re getting from each of them. Finally, you will learn how to integrate and apply these strategies and tactics into the very core of your organization for measurable, sustained results.[/text_block]

The most successful businesses throughout history are those that constantly exceed their customers expectations and desires. You must fall in love with your customer; not your product—and in doing so give them more than what they ask for, but rather what they truly need.
At Business Mastery you learn how to understand, anticipate and consistently fulfill the deepest needs of your clients to create fans who advocate on your behalf.[/text_block]

SUCCESGIDS | Kleine Tocht 4D, 1507 CB Zaandam | T: +31 (0)75 612 1948 | E: info@succesgids.nl