Tony Robbins Facts Over Fear 2: Affordable & Scalable

Hieronder vind je deel 2 van de Tony Robbins Facts Over Fear interviewserie.

Dit is Tony’s toelichting bij de video:

In part 2 of this special edition episode, Tony – along with his friend Dr. Peter Diamandis, the Harvard Medical School trained M.D. and executive founder of Singularity University – explore the present and future of COVID-19.

Tony and Peter speak with Mei Mei Hu and Lou Reese, Co-CEOs of United Biomedical, a company that is now offering an affordable and accurate diagnostic test for COVID-19 through its subsidiary, COVAXX

Their antibody test is different from others, as it can detect not only if you currently have the virus, but also it signals if you’ve ever had the virus, which is crucial in determining the true rate of mortality associated with COVID-19 – and whether people are immune and therefore able to stop isolating, and go back to work.

Lou and Mei Mei’s team at COVAXX is also working on a breakthrough alternative option to a traditional vaccine for coronavirus, which you’ll hear discussed in the last half of the episode.

Deel 1 van deze serie vind je via onderstaande link.
